Thanks to the collaboration of Andrea Antonutti, son of Gigi,
who still closely follows the entire production chain,
Subida di Monte is a reference point for the regional wine
landscape, guided by a great passion for the territory and its vineyards.
The wine is produced respecting nature, its rules and the territory without making use of chemicals.
We strive to maintain a harmonious relationship
with the environment in order to obtain natural grapes and to produce a wine which can best express the territory and its vines.
The grapes are handpicked, the vinification
takes place in stainless-steel tanks at a controlled fermentation temperature while in the ageing period the wine stays on fine lees until the period of bottling.
An average of 40.000 wine bottles per year are produced,
obtained by 8 hectares of vineyards at a different plant density (5.000-7.000 vines/hectare).
Agrotech Soc. Agr. a R.L.
Via Subida n.6 , 34071
Cormons (GO) Italia
Monday through Friday: 8.30 am-5.30 pm
Agrotech Soc. Agr. a R.L
partita iva: 01208140317